Above: On our way…I appreciate how one can board the plane from the tarmac at a smaller airport; this is reminiscent of days gone by. |
I returned from a little trip to Seattle earlier this week and hit the ground running…teaching, grading, meetings, a facilitating a speech and debate exhibition for my team and a litany of laundry has made days that followed absolutely drenched with work.
The trip, however, was lovely…full of kind people, fantastic shopping (blog posts on the latest makeup I procured there are slated for the very near future!), beautiful sightseeing and, dare I say it, a bit of rest thrown in for good measure. I hope you enjoy the following images…
Above: The view from our room…I’m fairly certain that part of the building we faced housed an advertising agency. Avid people watcher that I am, I completely enjoyed observing the employees work and interact…very “Rear Window” without the suspected homicide. |
Above: Select items from my makeup bag for the trip…I tried to exercise restraint. |
Above: In front of our beautiful hotel, the Mayflower Park…built in the 1920’s, this is located in the heart of downtown and is walking distance to everything. |
Above: The flagship Nordstrom…mere steps away from our hotel, I definitely spent some quality time within these hallowed walls. |
Above: I managed to buy a few items that weren’t makeup! These booties are both comfortable and chic. |
Above: This is how I souvenir shop for my wonderful mom…find the potentials (in this case, two nautical striped Vince sweaters, one cotton, one cashmere), snap a picture and make choice. In this case, the cashmere won out ; ) |
Above: A welcome and necessary mid-day snack after some retail therapy…so delish. |
Above: Next up, a visit to the famed Pike Place Market…a veritable cornucopia of wares. |
Above: Nourishment to start off the day…my favorite salt bagel with extra cream cheese. |
Above: Untouched, vintage fabric for my brother (www.sethwegter.com) to use as interiors for his bag creations. |
Above: The lovely Erica, co-owner of Hitchcock Medrona and me…I will be doing a special post on this brilliant store and studio in the very near future! |
Above: Soaking up the vibe of the shop. |
Above: My new shield necklace lovingly hewn by Erica at Hitchcock Medrona. |
Above: In front of Hitchcock Medrona…such a marvelously eclectic store! |
Above: Stormy skies and art museum at Volunteer Park on Capitol Hill. |
Above: Moments before the hailstorm in Volunteer Park; loving my new necklace. |
Above: A headstone belonging to a member of the venerable Nordstrom family. Mere minutes before taking this picture, it was dry outside; then, the hail storm unexpectedly covered the ground in little ice balls…crazy! |
Above: Goodbye, Seattle…thanks for the lovely wind, rain, shopping and relaxation! |
Bottom Line: It has taken me nearly a week to recap this wonderful trip because my subsequent work responsibilities have demanded all of my time! Such a schedule is a reminder why we need to take trips in the first place ; )
–The Beauty Professor
**This post contains affiliate links; my disclosure policy contains additional details on how these work.
Comments (21)
Lovely pictures! I really enjoyed the documentation of your trip 🙂
I love that Vince sweater – your mom is a lucky woman! 🙂
Thank you, Annick! So glad you enjoyed the post…the Vince sweater was such a find; it's such a thin cashmere that it can be worn all year!
–The Beauty Professor
I loved this post!! I visited Seattle recently and had such a nice time. Most of my trip was actually spent at Olympic National Park, but I was fortunate to spend 2 days in Seattle as well. I have been wanting to go back and you have given me some cool spots to check out! If you have any more let me know 🙂 Also I LOVE the necklace you are wearing, the gold one with the circular pendant- do you mind telling me where it is from? I love your new shoes too!! So cute!!!
Hello J!
Thank you so much! I've heard wonderful things about Olympic National Park, but we didn't get a chance to venture too far out of the Seattle city limits…next time! One restaurant that I highly recommend (just up the street from Pike Place Market) is The Brooklyn…we eat out a lot and this was one of the best meal experiences ever! Thanks for asking about my necklace…it is an antique; my mom found the gold Hermes foot pendant at a local antique store and gave it to me for my first wedding anniversary. I found the gold chain at an antique store in Monterey, CA and put the two together ; ) Still loving my shoes…thanks…so comfortable!
xoxo and talk soon!
–The Beauty Professor
I always enjoy your posts and this was no exception. I feel like I've just had a getaway to Seattle without leaving my couch!
Thank you, Anon! So glad you feel like you had a little trip…that's what I was aiming for ; )
–The Beauty Professor
Hi Beauty Professor! I'm from Seattle, and I wish I had known about your trip before you arrived. I could have shared some tips on where to go. Regardless, it looks like you had a great time and found some treasures. Last week's weather was nuts — very stormy, and the hail was a surprise. Hope you will visit the Emerald City again! — Louisa
Hello Louisa,
Thanks for the comment…I would love to hear some tips whenever you get the chance (we travel to Seattle at least once a year!). We did indeed have a superb time and the tumultuous weather was a welcome change from the intense springtime of Southern CA. We'll be back!
Hope your weekend is going well…xoxo,
–The Beauty Professor
I hope you waved to me as you flew in and out! Dang, like Louisa, it would have been Fun to meet you, but I totally get you were on limited time. I get to Seattle maybe once a year! All kinds of good things at Pike Place (Tenzing Momo), antique stores nearby, bakery, et al. Wait 10 minutes and the weather will change! Much love, Susan
Hello Susan!
I absolutely waved to you from the plane ; ) It would have been a joy to meet you in person had we had more time in the city! We had such a splendid time…your adjectives to describe the vibe of the city are spot on!
Hope your weekend has been wonderful…xoxo and talk soon,
–The Beauty Professor
Hi Beauty Professor!
I absolutely LOVE your blog and can't tell you the numbers of items I've tried based on your recommendations. So much fun to make a new discovery! I do love your shield necklace, but I have to say the stand-out from this post was your booties! Do you mind sharing the brand? Would love to try and find a pair for myself. I'm going to NYC in 2 weeks and these would be perfect!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Hello Shawn,
Thank you so much for your sweet words about my blog…I am thrilled that my recommendations have worked out for you thus far! My booties (which I picked up at Nordstrom) are made by Jeffrey Campbell (style name: Everly)…give them three days to break in and they'll be comfortable forever. I find that they run a touch big…I wear a 7 normally and the 6 1/2 was perfect!
A trip to NYC…sounds divine! Business, pleasure or a bit of both? Have an amazing time!
xoxo and talk soon,
–The Beauty Professor
Hello B.P, first I want to thankyou for the most informative video of the Amore Pacific cc cream. I am so excited to order it. Love the finish. Also I really enjoyed your pics from Seattle & glad you enjoyed your trip. Hope you got some much needed relaxation. Lastly, I want to say in your pics your skin looks amazing. Could be the LmDB dark spot corrector you think? You had great skin before that but it really seems to be even & glowing & bright! Have a great week.
Hi again, forgot to tell you what a special gift I recieved from a wonderful client of mine at my salon. I went on & on about the Tom Ford gloss I want to try based on your review. Well lo &Behold, she went to N.Y & guess what she brought me? Yup, Tom Ford gloss in peach absolute. Absolutley wonderful, deeply pigmented, non sticky gloss I ever tried. So thankyou again for your recomendations. In a way I feel you were partly respondsible for that great surprise and I truly thankyou. I wouldnt know about these awesome high end cosmetics without you as we don't have his line here in Rhode Island. xoxo Lynn
Hello Lynn!
I am so glad you enjoyed the video and post about Seattle…I am always hesitant to do non-makeup related posts, but sometimes I must!! So excited that you are ordering the cc compact…I hope you love it as much as I do ; ) Thanks for your sweet words about my skin…I think I can attribute my recent visage to the consistent combination of the LMdB dark spot, Sunday Riley Good Genes and Peau Vierge in the day (plus whatever foundation I happen to be trying at the time!).
Also, I heartened by your story of the Tom Ford lip gloss…thanks so much for sharing; what a fantastic surprise that must have been! Peach Absolute is utterly gorgeous and I am honored that you consider me partly responsible…always happy to share my recommendations ; )
I hope your week is off to a good start…xoxo,
–The Beauty Professor
Hi BP- wonderful post. Thanks for sharing. I absolutely love your blog. Very classy and elegant . I've purchased many products based on your recommendations and reviews.
How do you find the time to manage this blog while maintaining a career as a professor?! I'm an attorney and I barely have time to brush my hair:)
Thank you so much, First Date Wonders! I am so honored by your adjectives for my blog and am heartened that my reviews have been useful for you.
In response to your question…there are times when it is insanely difficult to keep up with this blog while working full time. If time permitted, I would try to post every day and produce videos every week. Alas, that is impossible! I've become comfortable working on the blog 3-4 times a week and otherwise throwing myself into teaching communication (which I love to death!). Also, I don't brush may hair that often either ; ) I started this blog for fun and am so blessed that it has taken on a life of its own!
What type of law do you specialize in?
xoxo and talk soon!
–The Beauty Professor
Sounds like a nice trip to our city! Lucky you to stay at the Mayflower! Where did you find the vintage fabric bolts ?? I'd love to have a look and I'm here in Seattle and don't know of any vintage fabric stores –do tell? Thanks! RAchel
Hello Rachel!
It was a wonderful trip, indeed and the Mayflower has fast become one of my favorite hotels in the country. I found the vintage fabric at a store called Antiques at Pike Place…every time I go there, I find excellent treasures, including vintage fabric that my brother uses for his handmade purse business! Take a peek and do let me know what you think.
xoxo and keep in touch,
–The Beauty Professor
I will definitely take a look – thanks so much for taking the time to answer!
Happy to help…keep me posted on your discoveries!
–The Beauty Professor