- Amore Pacific Color Control Cushion Compact in #104
- Tom Ford Shade and Illuminate Intensity #01
- Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage in SC-3
- Rouge Bunny Rouge Bronzing Powder in At Goldcombe Bay
- Sisley Blush Eclat in Pinky Coral #5
- Serge Lutens Teint Si Fin in O40
- Giorgio Armani Eyes to Kill Eyeshadow in #28
- Guerlain Le 2 Mascara
- Cle de Peau Concealer (under eyes only) in Beige
- Tom Ford Nude Vanille
- Le Metier de Beaute lip gloss in Two Lips…love this limited-edition creamy pinky peach shade–it’s currently available again at the LMdB Beauty Vault!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Anytime I fly, I put great thought into which makeup to apply for the adventure…in these cases, I embrace products that are light, fresh and long-lasting. My selections must collectively work towards a classic and polished look and not be high-maintenance or easily altered by the drastic changes in cabin pressure and weather that a flight to another state can incur. Upon an almost three hour flight to Seattle yesterday (but a grand total of eight hours of travel, from leaving my house to arriving at the hotel), I beyond delighted at how well my makeup held up!
The images below depict this stalwart performance (documented immediately upon checking into the hotel)…product details/links at the end of this post ; )
Products I Used:
Now I’m off to do some (very unnecessary yet completely enjoyable) shopping in the heart of the Pacific Northwest…flagship Nordstrom, here I come!
What are the go-to, fail-proof, long-lasting products YOU embrace when traveling?
xoxo and happy weekend!
–The Beauty Professor
**This post contains affiliate links; my disclosure policy contains additional details on how these work.
Comments (23)
All shopping is necessary. It's good for the soul.
Thank you for the excellent justification, K. Nicole ; ) Love it!
–The Beauty Professor
That flagship Nordstrom in Seattle is BEAUTIFUL!!! Hope you have a ton of fun!!!
Hi Gummy dear!
Just got back…it is gorgeous and full of everything one might want/need (except for the Burberry cosmetics line!). Had a lovely rainy afternoon ; )
Hope your weekend is going well…xoxo,
–The Beauty Professor
Rachel again and again you are just a very inspiring person oi love to look at your posts when i want to sit and relax and enjoy everysingle thing you post i love how we both have exact same skin color and same sensitive so you try first and then i buy lol
ur awesome that is for sure
Hello Nona!
Wonderful to hear from you! Thank you for your very sweet and encouraging words! I'm happy that my posts are useful to you; I'm in the midst of trying a new foundation…Hourglass Immaculate foundation…post soon ; )
Hope all is well in your end of the world…xoxo and talk soon!
–The Beauty Professor
great so did you use amorepacific without putting anything before it like ur favorite le metier primer ?
also can u do a post for your favorite of all time that u might buy again like makeup and skin care
hourglass i saw that at sephora omg lol ,but i think it is matte finish rite?
I actually applied my LMdB Peau Vierge #2 first and then added the Amore Pacific…I will work on a favorites post soon ; ) Yes, the Hourglass foundation has a satin matte finish…it looks natural, yet flawless!
–The Beauty Professor
Your pictures come out great with the Amore Pacific CC Cream…do you find the spf 50 to have any flashback?
Love your posts, thanks for all the detailed reviews!
Thanks, Anon! Surprisingly, I didn't notice any flashback with the SPF 50, but I haven't tried a nighttime picture with a flash yet (the conditions when I find flashback to be most evident)…will report back when I do!
–The Beauty Professor
Unique post and a very useful one. I've always just avoided makeup altogether because that airplane cabin just sucks all the moisture out of my already dry skin and I end up with puckers and wrinkles, UGH! But your face looks amazing. Hard to believe it's the end of an 8 hour day with a 3-hour flight. Do you prep your skin any differently if you know you are flying? I'm envious!
Thank you! I know what you mean…the airplane cabin can warp even the best makeup! Truly, this particular combination of products seemed to do the trick…I didn't do anything different when it came to prep; before makeup, all I put on was my LMdB Peau Vierge #2 as a moisturizer/primer (but I wear this everyday without fail!).
Hope your weekend was lovely…xo,
–The Beauty Professor
Wow, you look amazing after flying! I fly a few times a month for work and my number one beauty staple is a moisturizing eye drop. Like you, in terms of makeup, I find less is more and I like to avoid shimmery products and go for satin or matte finish, especially with eyeshadow. I have to ask how the Laura Mercier concealer holds up on long days and how do you use it?
Many thanks, Anon, for your kind words and great suggestions! Eye drops…what a brilliant idea! I wear contacts and could definitely benefit from some extra moisture in the eye department. Do you have a favorite brand/version? The Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage is one of my favorite, most underrated, daily-use products ever. I've been using it for over a decade and find that, when applied with a small brush (I use Sephora's retractable lip brush, of all things!), it covers even the most insidious darks spot or blemish and clings to the skin all day without degrading. It is not a particularly glamourous product, but I wouldn't go without it, ever! Have you tried it?
–The Beauty Professor
I have 2 brands of drops I use for moisture, Systane Ultra and Refresh Optive Sensitive in single use vials. One of my challenges is keeping hands germ free to apply drops in flight. I bought the Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage in December, but haven't used it yet. I use Cle de Peau but it does not perform well on blemishes so I'm hoping the Secret Camouflage does what I need.
Thanks for the details! I will have to look into those for certain! I can attest to the fact that the LM Secret Camouflage covers blemishes much more effectively than the Cle de Peau (which I reserve for my under eyes only!).
Let me know your thoughts when you try it!
–The Beauty Professor
Hello again! Great to hear the amore pacific heldup & is your new fav.I'm dying to tryit after your review. I went on to sephora & saw some great reviews as well. Whenever the word luminous or glowing comes up,i'm sure to try it. So next your tryin hourglass? I bought their tinted moisturizer which has great spf but doesnt last in the heat of my salon. Goin to try amore p. Glad u had a good shopping therapy session…u deserve it!
Hi Lynn…lovely to hear from you! Yes, the Amore Pacific compact was a wonderful surprise in terms of coverage and performance. Cannot wait to hear your thoughts once you try it! The Hourglass Immaculate Liquid foundation has much better lasting power than the HG Tinted Moisturizer…in fact, I wore it all day yesterday (9 AM-10 PM) in the rain and never needed to touch up…shocking! Review soon… ; )
Thanks for your sweet shopping words…it was a nice time to meander without a tight time schedule…found some new products that will be popping up in posts in the near future!
In response to your second comment, no, I haven't tried anything from the Jingai line…I am intrigued and will have to do some investigation. Thank you for your compliment about my lip color…I'm telling you, the LMdB gloss in Two Lips is one of my absolute favorites (at least since last June when I first bought a tube). It is pigmented (but not too dark), opaque (but not drying), shiny (but stays put) and is the quintessential blend of pink and peach!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend…xoxo and talk soon,
–The Beauty Professor
btw…have u ever tried jingai organic products? I saw it on my guilty pleasure q.v.c & ordered it. It's a bronze n blush glow that got so many good reviews its only available on waitlist. So I went to their website & ordered it there. I will let u know how it is when it arrives. Also your lip color is amazing.U look great after the perils of traveling.
Shoes would give makeup a run for the money if I was there.
I understand, Gail…I, in fact, ended up leaving with a new pair of black booties…first thing I bought ; ) What are some of your favorite shoe designers?
–The Beauty Professor
What I love I can't afford. I am in pumps everyday and wear Calvin Klein, Ivanka and Michael Kors. Vince Camuto is another favorite for sandals and ballet flats.
Sounds good…I've definitely had some good fortune with those brands as well! My black booties are Jeffrey Campbell and I couldn't be happier with the comfort level!
–The Beauty Professor