While picking up a few essentials at Sephora earlier this week, I randomly ran across LORAC’s
“Lips with Benefits” lipgloss and was instantly drawn to “Josh,” a fresh, soft pink that retails for $18. The tube features four complimentary colors (in this case, all varying degrees of pink) that ultimately blend together when the wand applicator has been utilized a few times.
This particular incarnation features a healthy ingredient list (paraben-free and pumped with antioxidants), a full coverage finish, lustrous shine and an amazing creme brûlée scent that is neither cloying nor overpowering…just pure pleasure to apply and experience.
The gloss lasts at least a few hours, is not overly sticky, keeps my lips moisturized and conditioned and doesn’t degrade to a disturbing white ring…in other words, the wear is even and substantial! With this many benefits and a very reasonable $18 price tag, I just may be purchasing a backup…
Above: LORAC’s Lips with Benefits in “Josh”
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