Above: The view from our room at the Cavalier Inn…mere miles from the famed Hearst Castle. |
At the end of last month, my family and I took our annual
Thanksgiving trip to San Francisco. Dedicated to down time, tradition and a bit of good old fashioned Black Friday shopping, this week is something we look forward to all year. After a night at the quaint beachside Cavalier Inn in San Simeon, we spend the duration of our time at the gorgeous, historical Fairmont Hotel on Nob Hill, one of the only dwellings to survive the cataclysmic earthquake of 1906. We stay in the same beautiful rooms, see the same wonderful hotel employees (who, after over 10 years of visits, have become like family) and explore the same sites (including North Beach, Union Square and Chinatown), making it it a delightfully comfortable and predictable home away from home. Before anymore time passes (is Christmas really less than two weeks away?!), I wanted to share our adventure!
Kindly scroll on for images from our trip…
Above: My brother Seth and me at the hotel. |
Above: Another coastal view…this part of Highway 1 is just breathtaking. |
Above: My new MacBook Air computer case, made by my brother. How did I ever live without it? |
Above: The antique turquoise and silver midi-ring I picked up at the Wampum Trading Post. We’ve been stopping at this delightful shop since I was a kid. |
Above: A late-afternoon view of the Pacific from high in the hills. |
Above: The San Francisco Fairmont Hotel upon arrival…the front, especially when decorated for the holidays, is just stunning. Our rooms are on the third floor, right behind the flags! |
Above: The Twin’s Armoire, a San Francisco institution, is just down the street from the hotel. I have procured many a coat from this whimsical shop. Sadly, it wasn’t open during the hours we were able to shop this year. |
Above: The eccentric windows of Twins Armoire. |
Above: We had our Thanksgiving meal at the hotel in the gorgeous Crown Room, which, perched high above the city, has views for miles. |
Above: The windows of the Fairmont are abundant…this was taken in one of the bathrooms…I guess privacy isn’t an issue when you are that far above the city below! |
Above: My husband, Jethro and me on Thanksgiving night…I love how my parents are also in this picture (in the mirror!). |
Above: The Fairmont is full of anachronistic treasures, including this marvelous 1940’s telephone. |
Above: The landscape of the Fairmont is impeccably manicured. |
Above: The famed rotunda of Neiman Marcus Union Square. It is almost too much to take in! |
Above: Le Metier de Beaute at Neiman Marcus..LMdB specialist .Jennifer Adviento-Taylor was a pure joy to meet! She told me she has had many Beauty Professor readers at her counter! |
Above: With our amazing sales associate, Sheyla on the Beauty Floor at Barney’s NY. I picked up more Surratt and swatched everything else in the line…full post soon! |
Above: Suyaki, a new custom foundation line at Barney’s NY. Product specialist Michael Bondi gave me a wealth of details on this system and I can’t wait to try it sometime in the future. |
Above: The view from our room…Nob Hill is peppered with buildings that embody classic architecture. |
Above: The Christmas tree in the lobby of the Fairmont…we always spend a bit of Friday night watching the crew decorate everything in sight. |
Above: The Mr. Eckhard salon is housed on the third level of the Fairmont…this year, I finally was able to explore. Although it is fully functional, walking in feels like stepping I’m back into time…the layout, color scheme and overall ambience recalls classic films like The Women and Shampoo. |
Above: One of the private rooms…the windows and furniture are simply exquisite. |
Above: In one of the mirror-lined private rooms. |
Above: Mr. Eckhard’s private styling station. So chic. |
Above: At the window of our room…the view never disappoints. |
Bottom Line: I am so thankful for this annual getaway and hope you enjoyed the pictures from this lovely part of the state! How are YOU holding up during this holiday season? Between wrapping up the semester (finals! grades! oh my!), debate tournaments and speech coaching, properly preparing for Christmas and a plethora of parties, somehow this time of year feels busier than ever!
Good things ahead on the blog this weekend and next week including swatches of the new Kanebo Sensai Cellular Performance Cream Foundation, Koh Gen Do Aqua Foundation, Ellis Faas Hot Lips and a FOTD featuring organic beauty products from RMS + Kjaer Weis. Can’t wait to share!
xoxo and do please leave a comment when you get the chance,
–The Beauty Professor
Comments (10)
What a lovely tradition, and I was happy to see that Jethro gets to come along as well!
Thanks, Lulubelle! We had such a fun getaway and it wouldn't be the same without dear Jethro ; ) The Fairmont hotels are pet-friendly so it's wonderful!
Hope you're having a lovely weekend…xoxo,
–The Beauty Professor
So glad you had a wonderful time and I adore your hair & glowy makeup every time you post pictures online. Curious about your latest swatches as you are often one of the first to swatch niche foundations : )
Hello Birkinbagbeauty!
Thanks for the sweet comment…we were grateful to be able to take such a trip. Much appreciation for your words regarding my hair and makeup! The swatches of the new US version of the Kanebos Sensai CP Cream Foundation are live now and I should have the Koh Gen Do and Kjaer Weis up next week ; )
Merry Christmas!
–The Beauty Professor
Handsome men in your life 🙂
Hi Deb!
Thank you ever so much…I wholeheartedly agree ; )
xoxo and enjoy the weekend,
–The Beauty Professor
MG–I accidentally deleted your comment from my phone when I was trying to publish it instead…unfortunately, the process is irreversible. So frustrating! At any rate, I was able to pull your words from my email so I could still post it!
From MG:
You have such an impeccable sense of style and fashion. You should really do more posts about some unique pieces of clothing you have acquired over the years (such as your coats, jewelry, and maybe even some boots). Your makeup advice has done wonders for me…I can't imagine how many more compliments I'd receive with your fashion advice!
Haha yay for the recovery!
Thanks so much for your comment…it truly warmed my heart and I am beyond flattered. I love the idea of featuring some favorite pieces, especially if my lovely readers want to see them ; )
xoxo, talk soon and have a wonderful weekend!
–The Beauty Professor
Indeed! Glad I was able to recover your original words and even happier that you were able to see it happen!