Video Tutorial: Get Ready with Me Winter Edition

Get Ready with Me: Winter Edition.
After a much longer than planned hiatus from making videos, I am so happy to return with a quick “get ready with me” tutorial. Casual, chatty and minimally-edited, it’s under 15 minutes, which may be some kind of record for me!
Thank you to those of you who have checked in to see where I have been…truly, it was your encouragement that inspired me to create on YT again. This everyday look is quick and simple, making it perfect for running errands and going out to dinner alike. 
All products involved are tried, tested and true, perform well in cold weather and are compact enough to be purse friendly for touch ups on the go. Do you spy any personal favorites in the mix?
Kindly scroll on for the video, a full product breakdown and a special style section as well as the Bottom Line…




  • Ragdoll LA Vintage Terry Sweatshirt: I am so glad I ordered this sweatshirt as it is entirely neccesary.  It can be dressed up with a skirt or dressed down (as demonstrated above).  Super versatile and on sale!
  • Onzie Shiny Black High Waist Leggings: These shiny black leggings have a liquid look that mimics leather while being infinitely more comfortable. 
  • Vintage Trench Coat…similar style HERE: I purchased the trench worn in these images nearly a decade ago and it’s timeless appeal has served me well.  I now have my eye on the FRAME Denim version…it’s likely what I’ll devote my Christmas gift cards to 😉 
  • Stan Smith Adidas: These classics work well with jeans, leggings and even dresses…my dad wore them during my formative years and I am happy to carry on the tradition. 
–Shop the Style–

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Last look. 
–Shop the Post–

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Bottom Line: I hope you enjoyed this video tutorial; I am earnestly intent in creating more video content in the coming weeks now that I am on a major winter break.  In the meanwhile, please share your requests in the comment section!

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Hanukkah as well as abundant blessings in the New Year…thank you for being such an important part of my life.


–The Beauty Professor

**PR samples provided for review denoted by an asterisk (the rest purchased by me),  however, as always, all of my opinions are expressly and unequivocally my own.  © 2012-16 Beautyprofessor® All Rights Reserved. Do not copy, reprint or republish content and/or photos without author’s written permission.

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Comments (4)

  • Unknown Reply

    Hi Rachael, Merry Christmas beautiful friend. I was thrilled to see you posted a new video, I've missed you even though I certainly enjoy your posts on this site. Congratulations on obtaining your tenure, that is wonderful news. xo, Cowgirl Debra

    December 25, 2016 at 10:59 pm
    • The Beauty Professor Reply

      Hello Debra,

      I hope you had a marvelous Christmas and that your New Year is off to a wonderful start! I've missed making videos and am grateful for the warm welcome back to YouTube!

      Thanks for the kind words about the tenure process…I am grateful, indeed.

      Much love to you, my friend!


      –The Beauty Professor

      January 24, 2017 at 4:43 am
  • Anonymous Reply

    Enjoyed watching this video… loved the products used! What is the eyeshadow brush you used to apply the TF Golden Peach? I see in the pic it's probably the Jenny Patinkin brush, but can you tell me which one it is specifically? Thanks!

    January 7, 2017 at 7:50 pm
    • The Beauty Professor Reply

      So glad to hear it, Anon! Thank you for watching. I am using a small Hakuhodo brush…I use it so much that unfortunately the number is rubbed off (isn't that always the way?!) but I will try to see if I can find out ; )


      –The Beauty Professor

      January 24, 2017 at 4:44 am

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