A pale stain seems like a veritable impossibility. That is one of the reasons that Yves Saint Laurent’s glossy stains in Rose Pastelle (reviewed HERE) and Beige Aquarelle (#19) were so intriguing to me.

While Rose Pastelle has a very cool pale pink (almost border lining on lavender) undertone, Beige Aquarelle (which retails for $32) translates as a warmer, pinky-peachy shade.

When applying it on your lips, the creamy pale nature of the product makes it hard to believe that it will yield any observable color at all…however, after a couple of coats and a few minutes, the stain miraculously deepens to a light peach.

Above: YSL Glossy Stain in #19 Beige Aquarelle applied on lips

If you love a pale lip as I do, are willing to prep and prime lips before application and are interested in a very light version of the YSL Glossy Stain, then Beige Aquarelle is a marvelous option.
Comments (3)
I know this is a older post but I just found these little gems… I have the glossy nude in 101 and love the staying power… I want another one but can't decide btwn 18 and 19… which do you suggest… I am not really a peach person but am worried the 18 is too light and Barbie looking?? I am pale… GA maestro #3 with light mauve colored lips… in my 40's.. I want a polished and not bold look. Thanks and I enjoy your blog 🙂 Cathy
Hello Cathy,
Thanks for your kind comment! If you are looking for a nude (not Barbie) look, then I suggest the #19; it is a sophisticated nude peach. Also, if you don't already own it, I suggest the YSL Rouge Volupte in #01 for more opacity…it is a nude lover's dream!
Hope that helps…xx,
–The Beauty Professor
Thanks so much.. and no I don't own the YSL Rouge Volupte in 01 but will check it out! Cathy 🙂