I was just nominated for my second Liebster Award by fabulous blogger and dear friend Lola of Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog. The rules for this blogger tradition are as follows:
1. Post 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you and then create 11 questions for the bloggers you’ve nominated to answer.
3. Choose 11 people if you can (with less than 200 followers) to give this award to and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. Remember…no tag backs!
11 Facts About Me:
1. I have never broken a bone.
2. I was home schooled until high school.
3. I know more about movies of the past (1920s-1960s) than the films of today.
4. I do all of my blogging on my trusty MacBook Pro.
5. I perform in a family band (FYG) with my mom, dad and brother…we play a fusion of R&B and jazz.
6. I am a huge Tom Selleck fan and also watch USA’s Burn Notice every week!
7. I am a foundation junkie…I love to try new brands and formulations.
8. I never had any refined sugar when growing up…I was the kid her took her own carob cupcake to the birthday party ; )
9. I don’t paint my fingernails (they stay much healthier and stronger that way!) but I always have my toenails painted…usually in Dior’s Beige Safari.
10. The public speaking textbook that I co-authored comes out in August!
11. I don’t leave the house without sunscreen on my face.
Lola’s Questions for Me:
1. What compels you to blog? Why did you start a beauty blog? I love to blog because I never get tired of talking about makeup and if my swatches and reviews can help others to find their perfect match, I am motivated to keep on posting!
2. If you could pursue any profession other than your own, what would it be and why? I would love to be a private investigator…I enjoy observing people and am extremely curious; I think these qualities could be best maximized if I was a PI.
3. What is your very favorite luxury brand for eyeshadow? Lipstick? Blush? For eyeshadow, I love the Giorgio Armani Beauty Eyes to Kill formulation. For lipstick, I prefer Le Metier de Beaute Lip Cremes and Rouge Bunny Rouge lip color. For blush, it is a toss up between Sunday Riley Blushing and Rouge Bunny Rouge (Delicata, Starina).
4. Your greatest drugstore brand discovery (makeup or skincare) and why? Aveeno Moisturizer and John Frieda Sheer Blonde Shampoo.
5. What is your idea of a perfect lipstick? It must be moisturizing, creamy, full coverage and pale pink-nude!
6. If you could sit and have a conversation with any person of historical significance (living or dead) who would it be and why? Jesus…it would be an honor to speak with him face to face.
7. What brings you the greatest pleasure in life? A quiet evening a home with those I love and no tasks hanging over my head!
8. What is your Holy Grail skincare product? Koh Gen Do Spa Water…so simple and truly amazing.
9. Foundation or tinted moisturizer? Foundation, hands down!
10. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be (other than where you live)? I’d like to try living in New York or Texas hill country.
11. What luxury brand do you find to be overrated? What luxury brand do you feel to be underrated? Overrated…La Mer…not the slightest bit impressed. Underrated…Beauty Is Life…it is a beautiful makeup artist’s brand that has very little presence online!
My Questions for the My Nominees:
1. What is your favorite lipstick shade?
2. If you could travel to another country to buy beauty products, which country would you choose and why?
3. What are your current beauty product “must haves?”
4. Describe the last vacation you took?
5. How many times a week do you post blog entries?
6. If you had to describe your blog in once sentence, what would that sentence be?
7. Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names? If not, why?
8. What is your favorite season for makeup collections?
9. What is one product you wish all your readers would try?
10. Who is your greatest influence?
11. Where do you see your blog in five years?
Who I Have Nominated:
Lather Rinse Repeat
Grace and Glitter
Fresh Look Beauty Blog
Never to Broke for Beauty
Pink Flamingo Kisses
Beauty Ninja
Gee Bee Beauty
The Former Girl at Bar
Comments (8)
Thanks so much for the award! 🙂
My pleasure…congratulations!
Have a great weekend,
–The Beauty Professor
I enjoyed reading this. Nice to know you more.xo
Thanks, Kath!! I love keeping in touch with you ; )
Enjoy your Saturday,
–The Beauty Professor
thank you!:)
Of course, Jaanika!
Take care,
–The Beauty Professor
Thanks for nominating me! I can't believe you went without refined sugar growing up, that's a great feat! xx
My pleasure, Michelle! I know, the whole lack of refined sugar thing was pretty intense, but as a kid, I didn't really know any better and it was definitely healthier…all the credit goes to my parents on that one!!
Have a lovely week,
–The Beauty Professor