The Tom Ford Lip Color comes in a luxe dark brown case with gold accents; it is weighty without being inordinately heavy. |
My pursuit of quintessential pale lip color continues with my latest acquisition…
Tom Ford lipstick in Nude Vanille. I have been eyeing this shade for awhile and repeatedly talked myself out of it, believing that it was too similar to some of my other nude favorites, including Rouge Bunny Rouge “
The Plot Thickens” and Beauty Is Life “
Cosmopolitan” amongst a myriad of others. One of my dear Beauty Professor readers, Kate, mentioned that it is one of her favorites, and in light of her endorsement and the fact that we both seem to go wild for nude lip color, I finally bit the $48 bullet and ordered it!
Nude Vanille is a one of the lightest shades in the Tom Ford Lip Color line…Blush Nude, its closest sibling, is equally light, but a bit chalky in comparison to the lush creaminess of this shade. |
Thanks to the classic and scrumptious Tom Ford Lip Color formula, Nude Vanille is a creamy pale pink nude that offers completely opaque coverage with just one swipe. It is amazing…moisturizing, pigmented and long lasting, all the while avoiding the dreaded “ring” that can develop with even the most premium of pale shades. I will let the following images speak for themselves…
Nude Vanille is a brilliant and balanced mixture of light nude, peach and pink…it is pale, yet pigmented, contains absolutely no shimmer and reaches full opacity with a single swipe! |
Above: a swatch of Nude Vanille in the shade. |
Above: a swatch of Nude Vanille in direct sunlight. |
Nude Vanille adds a glow to the face without being “too white.” |
Tom Ford Nude Vanille alone on the lips…it is moisturizing and smoothing and the color does not bleed, fade or pool with extended wear. |
Nude Vanille has a permanent home in my purse…I love this color. |
Bottom Line: The Tom Ford lip color formula is undisputedly rich and hydrating. The pigment is intense and the staying power, remarkable. His shade offerings tend to run on the dark side; in turn, I am so pleased that he has created a few wearable yet unique nudes for those of us who crave a pale lip.
Nude Vanille is a lovely investment and I highly recommend it for those on the hunt for creamy peachy pink lips!
Comments (17)
Hi Beauty Professor!
AHHHH!! My first shout-out in a blog post. I am honored. And, I am beyond thrilled that you liked Nude Vanille. I thought you would, but if you didn't, I would have felt bad for encouraging you! After reading this post this morning, I pulled out my Nude Vanille and applied it in honor of you! I absolutely love this shade and concur with all your observations about it. Love the formula and love the color. Period. It is probably my favorite pale lipstick.
The wedding was a good time. It was such a whirlwind, but it was great to see the family. The wedding was in Ohio, which is where I am from. It was so good seeing family, and everyone had a good time. It was a little crazy at times, but what wedding isn't? As for the important details (read: makeup), I wore a smokey eye and pale lip! Lol….I know, you never would have guessed. I wore Eyes to Kill #15 on the lid, with a darker color in the outer v (from a Guerlain 6 shadow palette), liner in NARS' black liquid liner (excellent staying power and dark black line), Koh Gen Do's Aqua Foundation and EB bronzer in Desert Sun (the darker color). For the lips I wore MAC's Angel lipstick (a nice pale pink) and Tom Ford's lip lacquer in Gold Dust. The makeup looked really nice, which was good since my hair was a train wreck. Think "1987 figure skater"….
My brother is 3 years my junior, and my sister is 8 years my junior. I am closest to my sister, but I suspect that has more to do with the fact that we are the same sex, and also because my brother has been in the military since he graduated college, so I don't see him a ton. But we all get along really well. We had a blast dancing on Saturday night.
I love the NYC and Beverly Hills Real Housewives the best, too. Did you watch NYC this season? I loved Carole and Heather. I really dislike Ramona and LuAnn, but it is still entertaining to watch Ramona go off the rails, sometimes. As far as Beverly Hills, Lisa is my favorite, but I don't dislike them too much, except for Brandi.
Dance Moms! Love it! I took ballet for 16 years, and had this tiny, chain-smoking teacher who would walk around with a pointer and threaten to whack our legs if they weren't straight, so Abby Lee Miller ain't got nothin' on Miss Cindy. Lol. Seriously, the only reality tv shows I don't like are the singing/talent ones, and any of the Survivor/weight loss/better yourself type of shows. If I am going to watch "reality' tv, someone better be humiliating themselves! I missed this past season of Dance Moms, but if I see it is on, I almost always tune in.
How was your weekend? I saw your Le Metier pic, and you looked beautiful. Maestro does photograph well. Oh, and Jethro is just the cutest!
Hope your week is going well. You know, I should probably stop leaving you pages-long comments and just email you! I don't mean to clog up the blog!
Talk to you soon!
Hello Kate,
I am so glad you liked the shout out…I hoped you wouldn't mind ; ) I love that you applied it on in honor of my post! Thanks again for the recommendation.
Your makeup for the wedding sounds like it was perfectly beautiful…you just cannot go wrong with a lightly smokey eye and a pale lip! I still need to try the NARS liquid liner…for now, my Milani liner is doing the job (though it stays on so well that I actually need to factor in extra time to remove it!). I love Angel lipstick…I have probably gone through 3 or 4 tubes in my life time. I just bought MAC lipstick in Pure Zen….it was released with the new Marilyn Monroe collection but it is also a part of the permanent collection (which is how I got it). It is a lovely nude/pink/peach hybrid and I bet you'd love it, if you don't already own it…review to come soon!
I figured that if you liked the Bachelor franchise that you would also enjoy some of the Real Housewives folly. I am in complete agreement about the types of reality TV that are most compelling as well as your favorites and un-favorites with both the New York and BH groups…we have such similar tastes ; ) I wish I didn't enjoy Dance Moms so much but it is so highly entertaining. Abby is a huge personality and I love how the moms both loathe her while continually seeking her approval. Many of my students who were dancers concur that their teachers were equally strong in their approach and they tell me (like you do) that the show is not as far fetched as it could seem. This last season was a good one…sounds like you have some catching up to do ; )
My weekend was fantastic…thanks for asking. I tried to get some rest while coupling it with productivity and it all went by much too quickly. Thanks so much for your sweet words about my LMdB pic (and Jethro!)…my mom and I had such a fun time with the guys, bought a nude gloss (exclusive to NM in Beverly Hills and called "Bloom") and am currently working on a video post/review of their new mask and peel set to debut next month. It is amazing!
I hope your week is going well, too…mine is moving along at a rapid pace with lots of meetings and grading and an attempt to blog as much as possible! Any plans for the weekend to come?
I love receiving your fantastic comments…always a joy so please don't cease! If, however, you ever feel like emailing too, my address is:
beauty professor[at]gmail.com.
Take care and talk soon,
–The Beauty Professor
P.S. Just read on Reality Steve that Jef and Emily broke up…could it be?!
Hi Beauty Professor!
I did read that Jef and Emily broke up. The version I heard was that he caught her texting/talking/corresponding with some other guy. I think there were also allegations of her offering Jef money so he would keep quiet about it. I also heard that Ashley and JP (I hope I got those names right)got married. Reality is really rough on those couples. I suppose it can't be all hot air ballon rides and helicopter trips forever, right? Lol.
I love Dance Moms because I feel dance is clearly one of those areas for moms to live vicariously through their children. Kind of like dads and football, I suppose. I am almost positive that one of those moms was a dancer in her younger days and is always talking about the days when she danced. Hilarious. One of my favorites is the mom of the really talented girl who just shrugs casually whenever her daughter is singled out or gets a solo or something. "Well of course she should….she's so talented." Sometimes the daughters look truly appalled at their mothers' behavior. I need to go back and review this past season.
This weekend should be fun. We have a cookout with one of my husbands old co-workers who moved to Africa and is back in town to see family. Saturday we have a wedding/engagement/retirement party for another one of my husband's co-workers. Is it weird that I am already planning my makeup for both events? Nah, I didn't think so!
Speaking of makeup, I am having conflicting feelings about my Maestro. I think 6.5 may be a tad too dark for me. I almost want to get some 4.5 to mix in, since I think that is a very yellow shade. I saw a blogger who was doing that, and I thought it sounded ok. Actually, I have been considering trying the Le Metier foundation. It seems really nice. My only concern is that I would need two shades (7 and 9, like you wear). I was hoping I could get away with just 7. How would you compare the finish between the Maestro and the LMdB Flawless Foundation?
It was my wedding anniversary the other day, and my husband got me the Burberry Fresh Glow primer. I had wanted to try it forever. I tried using it several ways: misex with the Maestro, under the Maestro and as a highlighter on top of the Maestro. It is a really nice product, but I don't think it really mixes well with the Maestro since it is two completely different consistencies. I think I like it best used as a highlighter. It's very subtle. I also got a bottle of one of my favorite perfumes – Prada Candy. I feel like I remember seeing you liked this perfume, too. I think it is intoxicating.
When you were at the LMdB counter, did they have the new eye kaleidoscope, Nouvelle Vague? I have been eyeing it for a while. That black looks so amazing. I think I am going to cave. Also, I saw LMdB had a lovely dark, vampy color called Kona. I saw it used in a video on Zuneta. My love for LMdB seems to be flaring up again.
Have a good rest of the week! Hopefully you are getting a break from all that grading and meetings. Talk to you soon!
Hello Kate,
I hope your weekend is going well! It sounds like you have a lot going on and no, it is absolutely not crazy to be planning your makeup in advance…I do this all the time ; )
It is too bad about the Bachelorette breakup, though I must say I wasn't terribly surprised…I just don't think the show is the ideal situation for finding a lasting relationship, much less a mate! It is, however, wildly entertaining. Dance Moms is on another level…especially since it involves familial relationships…it is one thing to act like a lunatic with 25 strangers (for the world to see) and then never see anyone again. It is entirely different to act impulsive and insane with your kids and then go home and live with them for life! Once again, totally engrossing!
I understand about your Maestro shade issue. I haven't found that 6.5 is too dark for me, but if it gets too dark, I will go back to my 5.5 or get the 4.5 (which is more yellow, rather than the decidedly neutral 5.5) and do the mix…not the most convenient, but I am sure that the shade will be just right since you can control the tone. I still love the Le Metier foundation…I use the LMdB Peau Vierge (in #2) everyday as a primer and the LMdB foundation is just lovely. It is not as light feeling as the Maestro, but it blends like a dream, is long lasting and has wonderful coverage. I think that you could get away with just #7 because I was mixing #7 and #9 in the dead of summer when I was super tan. Now, I can wear #7 alone, and I would say it is a smidge lighter than Maestro 6.5. If can find a bit of time tomorrow, I will try to take quick picture of Maestro 5.5 and 6.5 side by side with LMdB #7 and #9–let me know your email address and I can email it directly!
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary…how many years? Incidentally, my husband and I just celebrated our 5 year anniversary yesterday! What a coincidence. I have heard good things about the Burberry primer and, yet another coincidence, I got Prada Candy for my anniversary last year and am almost finished with my bottle (which rarely happens with me and perfume). It is a scent of which I never get tired! I have been playing around with some Tom Ford samples lately…Lys Fume (odd at first, but the most amazing scent at dry down) and Cafe Rose are both quite delicious, but his fragrances are such an investment, so I have to make sure I like one enough to commit.
I did indeed swatch the Nouvelle Vague Kaleidoscope last week…it is so pretty in person and the black shade it incredibly pigmented…like the darkest black I have ever seen in shadow form. I need to edit and post those pictures ASAP! I haven't seen Kona, but I have been intrigued with the Castelo shade (also dark) for awhile…will be checking it out next week.
Have a beautiful Sunday and I will wait to get your email so I can send you those swatches…
–The Beauty Professor
I need this lipstick. I picked up the By Terry Cover Expert this past week after reading sooo many rave reviews on your blog. Can't wait to try!
Hi Nisha!
In light of your love for pale Tom Ford lipsticks (I've read your review of Blush Nude!) I think you will adore Nude Vanille! Also, thrilled to hear you procured Cover Expert…let me know what you think…
Take care and have a wonderful weekend,
–The Beauty Professor
Hi Beauty Professor!
Just a quick note as I am running out of my office in a few minutes for a deposition…I actually ended up returning the Maestro 6.5. I may come back to it at some point, but I really wanted to see how the LMdB foundation would turn out first. I received my foundation in shade 7, and I am wearing it today for the first time. So far, I love the way it looks! It is much more dewy to me than the Maestro, and that is kind of what I wanted since we are heading into winter and my skin will get drier and drier. The color match is a great fit. I want to see what it looks like as my tan fades a little, but I am really pleased with the finish.
I also received my lipstick in Kona, but I have not worn it yet. I swatched some on the back of my hand, and it looks lovely. Strong plum undertones, but with a bit of burgandy. I think it is going to be a little deeper than Tom Ford's Black Orchid.
Speaking of Tom Ford, I own three of his Private Blend fragrances. They are an investment, but I enjoy them. Very long-lasting and interesting compositions. I own Tobacco Vanille, Oud Wood and Amber Absolute. They are all very wintery fragrances to me, and very powerful, so I have to be careful when I spray. I tend to kind of douse myself in the Prada Candy, and a much lighter application is necessary with the TF fragrances. But they hit the spot on a cold autumn or winter day.
Thanks for the offer for the swatches, but since I have my LMdB in #7, you don't have to take the time to send them. Of course, you can always email me at kopsincs(at)gmail(dot)com. That was so sweet of you to offer! By the way, you looked fantastic in your pic you took after you used the LMdB peel and mask!
Hopefully I will have more time to comment tomorrow or Friday, but in case I don't – have a wonderful weekend!
Hello Kate,
As always, lovely to hear from you! I hope you that your deposition went well! I just got back on Wednesday afternoon from a five day trip to Scottsdale (half business/half pleasure) and hit the ground running at work the last couple of days…by Saturday night, I am finally finding some time to attend to the blog ; ) Happy to hear that you are enjoying the LMdB in #7–you are right, it is a bit dewier than than the Maestro and the #7 is such a versatile shade…a perfect combination of gold and beige!
I have seen Kona in person and it is beautiful…in the midst of all of the dark fall lip color thrust into our faces, I found myself purchasing LMdB Castelo earlier this week; it is a interesting combination of burgundy and brown with a satin finish. As absurd as this sounds, I've been carrying it around, but haven't conjured up the appropriate mood to wear it yet. I also picked up a new Kevyn Aucoin lipstick in Micavel, a beautiful creamy peach/coral that is super pigmented without being too bright or dark. Loving it.
THREE Private Blend fragrances??! You fortunate soul. I feel like I am so fickle with perfume and rarely finish an entire bottle (Prada Candy being the unexpected exception) so choosing a TF Private Blend is an investment…I want to feel completely committed and smitten before I take the leap. I am currently leaning toward Lys Fume or Tobacco Vanille…I'll keep sniffing to be sure…
I added your email to my address book…thanks! You are too kind about the LMdB mask post…I was so not particularly excited to post makeup free/mask images but I knew that they added to the authenticity of the process with this particular product so I made myself do it ; ) The mask is really special…I think I will go use it as soon as I am done typing…this week has been long and I am sure my skin could benefit!
Any fun plans for the rest of this fleeting weekend? After a family party earlier today, I am looking forward to spending some quality time on my couch tomorrow…when I feel like falling asleep at 9:30 on a Saturday night, it just may be that my body is telling me that I need some rest!
Have a blessed Sunday and let's chat soon!
–The Beauty Professor
I'm your 200th follower! Love your blog!
That's a nice lip color, need to check it out…
Hello Zein,
Thanks for the comment and also for the follow!!!
I will make sure to check out your blog ASAP!
–The Beauty Professor
Can you suggest one that is a little cheaper, but the same color as Nude Vanille?
Hello…some shades that are similar and less expensive include Too Faced Naked Dolly, MAC Creme d' Nude and Laura Mercier Pink Blush.
I hope that helps!!
–The Beauty Professor
Hi! I have been so obsessed with Tom Ford lip products this month. I just ordered Blush Nude and I have Nude Vanille. Could you please tell me which color you prefer and why? I like the Nude Vanille but I keep hearing so much about Blush Nude.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for your question…I like the Nude Vanille shade a bit more because I find it is more moisturizing than the Blush Nude. Also, I prefer my nudes to lean a bit more peachy pink (NV) rather than beige (like the Blush Nude does).
Hope that helps…xx,
–The Beauty Professor
Hi Would you say Beauty Is Life "Cosmopolitan is the closet cheaper alternative? Or Too Faced Naked Dolly? Thanks!!
Hi Miche,
Cosmopolitan is a touch darker and peachier but really pretty and creamy like Nude Vanille and everyone I've recommended it to has told me they love it!! Naked Dolly is sheerer…
Hope that helps…xx,
–The Beauty Professor
Okay I love Nude Vanille. I think it is one of the most beautiful lip colors of all time. I am, like you, forever searching for that perfect pinky nude lip. And NV is it.
Sadly, TF has "fragrance/parfum" listed as an ingredient, to which I am allergic (actually allergic, it makes my eczema flare). I even thought to myself, "Oh well! I'll just use it anyway!" and bought it, but was so scared to use it, I had to return it.
To me, Naked Dolly doesn't come close. BiL Cosmopolitan is too…orange/dark. MAC Creme d'nude is too…nude. I feel like I have every MAC pink/nude cremesheen and they just aren't as pretty as TF NV.
Any other dupe ideas? High end, low end, whatever! Just as long as it doesn't have synthetic fragrance.
I am sort of ashamed to admit this but here goes: I even tried going to the Bite lip lab in SoHo to make a custom color but it turned out way too dusty rose. #thestruggle